Hiking in Nepal

Hiking in Nepal

Published Date :14 Apr, 2016

Nepal is the charming destination for the hiking. There are many hiking agencies in Nepal. Thousands of tourists come to Nepal for hiking. Nepal offers various opportunities for short hike and extensive trekking within the varied topography. One can choose the type of hiking or trekking and explore the region with its unique culture.Either the novice or the experienced one, Nepal can recreate anyone in many ways. Once is not enough. Hiking is an outdoor activity through natural settings. We can get benefit from hiking in many ways. We can strengthen our health by losing excess weight, decreasing hypertension, and improving mental-health.

Hiking refers to walking outdoors on a trail for entertaining purposes in the USA and UK. Multi-day hiking in mountainous regions of Nepal, India, Pakistan, North and South America and in the highlands of east Africa is also called trekking. A day hike refers to a hike that can be completed to in a single day - not requiring an overnight camp. Multi-day hikes with camping are referred to as backpacking. In the United Kingdom hiking is usually called rambling or simply walking. Bushwhacking specifically refers to difficult walking through dense forest, under growth, or bushes, where forward progress requires pushing vegetation aside. In extreme cases of bushwhacking where the vegetation is so dense that human passage is impeded, a machete is used to clear a pathway. Australians use the term bushwalking for both on and off-trail hiking. New Zealanders use tramping (particularly for overnight and longer trips), walking or bushwalking. Hiking a long distance trail from end to end is also referred to as trekking and as thru-hiking in some places.

Environmental impact:

Hikers often seek beautiful natural environments in which to hike. These environments are often fragile, as hikers may accidentally destroy the environment that they enjoy. While the action of an individual may not strongly affect the environment, the mass effect of a large number of hikers can degrade the environment. For example, gathering wood in an alpine area to start a fire may be harmless if done once (except for wildfire risk). Years of gathering wood, however, can strip an alpine area of valuable nutrients. Generally protected areas such as parks have regulations in place to protect the environment.

Human waste is often a major source of environmental impact from hiking. These wastes can contaminate the watershed and make other hikers ill. Bacterial contamination can be avoided by digging ‘catholes’ 10 to 25 cm (4 to 10 inches) deep , depending on local soil composition and covering after use. If these catholes are dug at least 50 m away from water sources and trails, the risk of contamination is minimized.

Sometimes hikers enjoy viewing rare or endangered species. However, some species are very sensitive to the presence of humans, especially around mating season. To prevent adverse impact, hikers should learn the habits and habitats of endangered species.

Etiquette of hiking:

Hiking in a group increases safety, but hikers may wish to hike at different rates. Because hiking is a recreational experience, hikers expect it to be pleasant. Sometimes hikers can interfere with each other’s enjoyment, or that of other users of the land. Hiking etiquette has developed to minimize such interference. For example: when two groups of hikers meet on a steep trail, there may be contention for the use of the trail. To avoid the conflict, a custom has developed in some areas whereby the group moving uphill has the right-of-way.

Being forced to hike much faster or slower than one’s natural pace can be annoying, and difficult to maintain consistently. More seriously, walking unnaturally fast dramatically increases fatigue and exhaustion, and may cause injury. If a group splits between fast and slow hikers, the slow hikers may be left behind or become lost. A common custom is to encourage the slowest hiker to hike in the lead and have everyone match that speed. Another custom is to have experienced hiker(s) sweep up the rear on a rota, to ensure that everyone in the group is safe and nobody straggles.

Hikers generally enjoy the peace of their natural surroundings. Loud sounds such as shouting or loud conversation, or the use of mobile phones, disrupt this enjoyment. However making noise is considered a necessary safety precaution in many areas home to large wild animals, especially predators such as bears.
To keep nature beautiful, it is important that no traces are left. Besides the obvious, such as bringing back all trash, leaving no traces also comprises taking care not to unnecessarily break plants or disturbing wildlife.


Hiking may produce threats to personal safety. These threats can be dangerous circumstances while hiking and/ or specific accidents or ailments. Diarrhea has been found to be one of the most common illness afflicting long distance hikers. Many hikers appear with complaints of muscle cramp.

Noxious plants that cause rashes can be particularly bothersome to hikers. Such plants include poison oak, poison ivy, and stinging nettles.
Dangerous hiking circumstances include losing the way, inclement weather, hazardous terrain, or exacerbation of pre-existing medical conditions. Specific accidents include imbalances (such as dehydration or hypothermia), topical injuries (such as frostbite or sunburn) attacks by animals, or internal injuries (such as ankle sprain).

It is strongly recommended that a hiker must have information on The Himalayan Rescue Association (HRA) which is voluntary, non-profit organization with an objective to rescue trekkers from difficulties and to reduce casualties in the Nepal Himalayas.

Hiking Equipment:

Hiking equipment is gear or equipment that one takes along on an outdoors hiking trip. The equipment required for hiking depends on the length of the hike. Hikers generally carry water, food, and a map in a backpack. Hikers often wear hiking boots to protect their feet from rough terrain. Some outdoor organizations, such as the mountaineers strongly advocate a list of equipment for hiking, such as the Ten Essentials. This list includes items such as a compass, sun-glasses, sunscreen, clothes, a flashlight, a first aid kit, a fire starter, and a knife. Other sources suggest additional items such as insect repellent and an emergency blanket.

Proponents of ultra light backpacking claim that long lists of required items for multi-day hikes increases pack weight, and hence fatigue and chance of injury. Instead, they recommend a goal of reducing pack weight in order to hike long distances easier.While hiking is considered different from backpacking (overnight camping), the equipment is of necessity of a shorter term more practical nature for such a walk. However even for a day trip it is prudent to pack at least rudimentary solutions for eventualities that may arise including being forced to stay the night, getting lost, or accidents

Hiking equipment may be considered in several categories:

Items worn: Things that a hiker wears on the hiking trip. This may include footwear, clothing, headgear, etc
Carrying items: Backpacks, waist packs, walking sticks or staffs etc
Essential gear: Items that is essential for the hike safety or necessary in potential emergency situations.
Food and drink: Food items to consume as snacks, lunch, or in emergencies.
Optional items: Any other items that the hiker desires to bring along including seating pads, cameras, notebooks, hammocks, and sometimes even computers.